Do you sometimes sit in meetings afraid that everyone can see that you’re a fraud? You sweat profusely at the thought of approaching others? Perhaps you’re trying to make sense of your identity after major changes or transitions? Life doesn’t come with a user manual. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming or confusing to make sense of the anxiety and stress that overtake our mind. Major changes that happen to us, including immigration, job loss, parenthood, unanticipated caregiving or losing a loved one can sometimes lead us to feel lost or stuck in place. Contemplating a life we want for ...

Toronto, ON

Emotional pain can be a heavy burden to carry. We can work on lifting this burden together. My approach to this work is to respect of all parts of you, those that the world readily sees and those that can remain hidden. As we navigate this process together, I will work to provide a safe space for you to heal. I have completed 6 years of intensive education in psychotherapy at Centre for Training in Psychotherapy, This along with my long work experience in helping professions and an active curiosity about people have given me an excellent foundation for my work as a therapist. Come, ...

Toronto, ON

I am a registered Psychodynamic Psychotherapist with CRPO. I hold a diploma from the School for Psychotherapy and Emotional Bodywork (1999). I have a broad range of experience in the areas depression, anger, anxiety and chronic illness. I am empathetic and respectful to a client's process and offer a confidential and non-judgmental environment where clients can explore their issues. My approach is always client-centered; this is the client's journey; they hold the pieces and stories to which I offer trained insight and exploration from which they gain new understanding of their life patterns ...

Toronto, ON

Sometimes life gets hard. We can find ourselves feeling overwhelmed, overburdened, stuck in a rut, or consumed by worry. In these times, we may not like our behaviours; any efforts to help ourselves can seem futile or even make matters worse; we end up feeling isolated and alone in our struggles (even when surrounded by people).It may not feel like it right now, but change is possible – therapy can help. As registered psychotherapists we are trained to listen differently; seeking to understand unconscious processes that (while well-intentioned) may be getting in the way of the life we wish to ...

normal">Facing many challenges today can be overwhelming. With daily pressures from all of our responsibilities as well as from the uncertainty and the unstable nature of our lives, it becomes easy to feel anxiety, fear, worry, frustration, or numbness. Sometimes we get stuck and unsure of how to find fulfillment in life, we feel like we're running out of steam or going in circles. Entering therapy is taking a huge first step in what can feel like a vulnerable journey. I offer an accepting, supportive, warm approach in which you can find strength, confidence and lasting change. Each client is ...

Vancouver, BC

Have you always wondered why you do, what you do in relationships? Do you want to go deeper into understanding yourself and finding ways to be happier with yourself and others? Do you feel overwhelmed right now? Are you suffering with a diagnosis you don’t understand? Do addictions/behaviour get in the way of a healthy, happy life? Are you a creative and feel stuck or uninspired in your work? Do you and your partner need a little help?My approach to therapy is from a trauma-informed, attachment based, relational and psychodynamic lens. Working to balance the mind, body and heart, we will ...

Rossburn, MB

We all deserve space to be heard in our authentic selves yet the grip of life's challenges can leave us feeling isolated and misguided. Through collaborative conversation therapy offers opportunity for increased self-awareness, discovery and aliveness that can support you in reaching your potential. Through the weekly practice of meeting for sessions in the presence of a caring and thoughtful professional, time is designated for you. The process of uncovering your authentic self can be exciting and supportive as you navigate life's challenges - helping to refine a meaningful path as you ...

Toronto, ON


Toronto, ON

I am a Student Therapist currently entering my Clinical Practicum year at OPC (Ontario Psychotherapy & Counseling Program). I am trained in psychodynamic psychotherapy with prior experience working at CAMH (Center for Addiction & Mental Health) in a variety of roles within several departments including Forensics, Wellness & Addictions. Working with diverse populations and learning from unique experiences have informed me on how important it is to be client-centered, warm, compassionate and non-judgmental. I also have additional training in expressive arts and mindulness. I ...

Toronto, ON

Danielle is a Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) offering support to those navigating various mental health challenges. Danielle strives to offer warmth and curiosity while drawing from a variety of diverse and effective modalities to best support the needs of her clients. Please see Danielle's website at to learn more.

I facilitate a person-centered approach to guiding persons in addressing and releasing unwanted emotional or behavioural after affects of traumatic incidences or troubling personal issues. In my approach there is no diagnosing, evaluating, judging, labelling or advising. Additional certifications: Certified Diploma in Psychotherapy, Certified Traumatic Incident Reduction (T.I.R.) Facilitator Certified Psychiatric (Mental Health) RPN, Certified Masters Practitioner in NLP Certified Trauma Counselling LEVEL1, Mindfulness approach, DBT, CBT Solution Focused Therapy, Motivational Interviewing ...

Chatsworth, ON

I am interested in bringing a humanistic approach to the therapeutic process and working together to achieve therapeutic goals. As part of a collaborative approach to therapy, working with clients can bring about an understanding of what they have been experiencing, describe particular moments that may have led them to this point, and explore new ways to support and strengthen their self-structure. Having graduated from the Ontario Psychotherapy and Counseling Program, I have training in a client-centred, relational, and psychodynamic approach. I find nonmedical talk therapy can assist in ...

Toronto, ON

As children, we adapt to our anxieties and the world around us as best we can. This adaptation affects the way we perceive ourselves and others, and changes the way we relate. As adults, sometimes we find that what should come naturally is inexplicably difficult. Our relationships seem to be fraught with repetitive and debilitating patterns. We feel blocked in our careers, and we may feel anxious or depressed but not be sure why. Therapy can help identify, and adjust, the ways in which our childhood strategies are not adaptable to our adult life. Therapy is: Client centered, compassionate ...

Toronto, ON

Registered Psychotherapist with a practice since 2018 in support of anxiety, depression, difficult life changes, hard feelings, self-exploration, depth psychology, and PTSD trauma recovery. Offering in-person or virtual (video) sessions for long-term and short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy.

Toronto, ON

Currently working hybrid (both virtually and in person) providing talk therapy under a multicultural and multilingual lense. Work with adults around all issues of mentsal health, diagnoses, worries, life transitions and death related anxiety. Including climate anxiety and war.

Toronto, ON

As a Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)  I offer one-on-one psychodynamic psychotherapy in the Greater Toronto Area.

Newmarket, ON